
Mastering the Basics: 5 Photography Angles Every Photographer Should Know

Photography angles: normal angle

As its name indicates, this is the usual angle we photograph and is characterized by the creation of a parallel line with the ground between the camera and the subject to be photographed.

It is the angle corresponding to the level of the human eye Shooting through the natural angle gives the viewer a sense of stability and calm.

This is mainly due to the natural state in which we see what is going on around us in this small world and it is not only noticed in the pictures we take. 

Without a doubt, photography is from this angle the most used in the world of photography, and therefore, when what you will shoot is below the level of your eyes, it means that you are taller than the target, on many occasions we recommend that you bend to get the picture from this angle.

However, as always, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself and try on certain occasions shooting from other angles to provide different photographic results. Keep in mind, however, that breaking the rules of photography, sometimes is the thing that makes the image appear unusual with different specifications but at the same time reflects and expresses the same reality, but from a different perspective or a completely different view. In this sense, changing the angle of a shot is undoubtedly an excellent way to adjust the viewpoint of the image and the feelings you want to convey to the viewer.

Photography angles: high angle

The high angle of photography is intended to make the position of the camera higher than the subject you are shooting.

 Specifically, by relying on high-angle photography, the cameraman would like to express some of the situations in which the meanings of weakness, imperfection or inferiority are reflected in the subject in the photo scene.

 Filming from this angle is common in photographing children in general (perhaps to express their fragility and greatest vulnerability), small animals, flowers, and small things in general ...

Photography angles: very high angle or peak angle 

The concept of a very high angle means that the position of the camera is very high compared to the subject to be photographed, research that appears in a very small size.

Shooting from this angle increases the sense of deficiency to a greater extent.

On the other hand, it allows expressions on diving that focus a lot of attention on the subject to be photographed, this angle opens the field more and also displays the context that surrounds it.

Photography angles: low angle

Unlike shooting from the high angle that requires the photographer to place the camera above the subject, obtaining the low angle is done by placing the camera in a position below the target level to be photographed.

 With this angle, we give the illustrated goal more importance, superiority, majesty, and above all, a dominant position in front of the viewer.

 It is a shooting angle that is widely used in the world of architectural photography, because it gives them more greatness.

 Although it can also be a resource for showing topics that are actually seen as inferior as superior, for example, kids and pets ...

Photography angles: very low angle

If you place the camera in a lower position versus the object to be photographed to the maximum, you will get what is called a peer angle or very low angle.

 The camera is practically placed on the vertical connecting the photographer and the sky.

 Shooting with this angle, the sensations of the shot are maximized, making the viewer feel the size of things as usual. 

Sometimes you might see pictures like this and start asking, is this thing really that big?

 It is used almost exclusively for building photography or so-called architectural photography, because the lines give great depth to captured shots.

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