
Some terms and phrases are well-known in the world of photographic photography, which may be difficult for non-workers in this field to understand, and the terms “blue hour” and “golden hour” are examples of these terms. Photographers are accustomed to describing the hours of the day, when they give a certain color to the heavens and the earth and give them a new color, as these colorful characteristics are of a beautiful and artistic nature in photography, and these times of the day can give great results in photography. Some filters or filters have been manufactured recently that are placed in front of the viewfinder in order to give the same results, which are sometimes close to the natural lighting effect of these magic watches.

First the golden hour: 

It is that hour that begins after sunrise or after sunset, and that is when the sun tends and gains light a warm colorant tinge, as these magical moments are among the best photography times, especially in portraits and landscape, where the light is soft and easy to control. The photographer is often satisfied with this light, and does not need filters with him to take the most beautiful portraits, and it remains for him to choose the location of photography carefully, and he must be careful not to use the automatic mode in the camera or auto, because he corrects the golden hues that we originally need in this The moments.

second, the bleu hour:

This is the hour of the day when light tends to dark blue, and gives the earth and the sky a soft blue color tinge that gives a feeling of the coming of the night, but without darkening or concealing the details, and the blue hour is one of the most appropriate times to take pictures of luminous and glowing elements such as some lights or the moon . The blue watch often generates a magical light that surpasses the beauty of the golden hour, although it only lasts for one full hour, the blue hour usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes after sunset and before sunrise.

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