
The worst book on photography

We often talk about distinctive things in various fields, so that in the photographer's blog we often talk about the best methods of photography, the most important tips that must be followed to obtain distinctive pictures, as well as presenting the best books in the world of photography, but today in this article I will talk to you about the worst A book on photography.

This may seem strange to all of you, as how is it possible to present us the worst book about photography as long as we enter this blog in order to learn the best about photography in order to advance our work and improve our abilities and skills in taking great pictures. Do not worry, just keep reading and you will discover exactly why this topic is.

The Dark Room Disaster: A Review of the Worst Book on Photography

If you search the Google search engine for the title of this article, you will not find it on any other site, because no one has mentioned it before, although in fact it is of great importance.

The worst photography book designed by the world's largest companies specializing in designing and marketing the best digital cameras, such as Canon and Nikon. Yes, as you hear, but why do these high-end brands insist on producing cameras with features and characteristics that make every photographer run after them while announcing any new model, but fail to design a book worthy of its value?

This question has yet to be answered and I think a lot of my readers would probably share the same opinion. Okay, let's get to the point. The worst photography book is the one that comes with all the cameras we buy, no matter their brand or type. They all have the same thing in common.

The design of the book is the same, and so is its content that is not up to the level of the camera that accompanies it, nor to the reputation of the company that does not shy away from itself to accompany it with its products.

I do not deny that I personally learned some things from this booklet, and I often advise all our readers and our followers not to ignore it, but rather to look at it so that he knows more about the camera he deals with, I am still with my words and will not change my opinion on this aspect, because it is important to browse this guide that I consider it deficient to some extent.

Perhaps a novice photographer who wants to buy a digital camera for the first time should go through the user manual to familiarize himself with all aspects of his camera. Unlike someone who buys the camera for the second or fifth time. As some studies say that a person who buys a product of a particular brand and his experience with it is good often does not change it with another. So what is the purpose of reading the same manual several times and nothing changes in it except for the model name and some simple technical things that are secondary.

We do not want a user guide similar to the rest of the other electrical home products, we are about to buy a camera, not a refrigerator or a TV. Since we do not need to know the task of each of the buttons for each camera, it does not change much, but we want a user guide that includes some of the ABCs of photography, photography techniques, dealing with the most important rules in it. Such as white balance, understanding the effect of focal length on image composition, ISO sensitivity and other photographic concepts that really deserve to be incorporated into this manual, but a novice photographer who is fully familiar with them can simply apply them.

What do we gain from over-talking about the field of protection and safety in a camera? Instead, it would have been more appropriate to talk about how to maintain the camera in good conditions, how to properly clean and care for it and all its accessories.


  • Some people may say that the booklet attached to the camera is not a book for learning photography, but rather a guide for learning about camera settings. Yes, I completely agree with the matter, but browse the book index to find that the titles are different to the content, so it was better to improve it and add some The theoretical materials that the user can benefit from to embark on the journey of learning photography with greater passion 

This is my point of view regarding the user manual attached to digital cameras, if you share the same opinion with me, try to express it through the comments box at the bottom, and if you have a different opinion as well, I would like to know it.

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