
We have become in a time when everyone owns a mobile camera, but not everyone can take professional photos unless they have knowledge of the fundamentals of photography. We will take you on a quick tour to learn how to take pictures in the best way and through the camera.

Before You Buy a Camera: Essential Tips for Beginner Photographers

1- Don't buy the most expensive cameras to start with

For sure, you can take the most beautiful pictures with less expensive cameras, and the rule says, the more you photograph, the more experience you get to know which camera you need in the next stage.

2- Buy a good tripod

On the other hand, buying a good tripod is an important issue, especially if you suffer from shaking the hand while performing any task.

3- Do not purchase any additional equipment or accessories for the camera

Before you really start the photography journey and make progress, you may buy additional equipment and discover later that you do not need it, always remember that after learning photography you will know what you need and do not need in your project.

4- Don't think about the profit side of photography 

Because you will not get that at the beginning of your career, and you may become frustrated if you bought a camera and considered it a profitable project and you did not achieve it, yes there are many ways to make a profit from the profession of photography, but you will not be able to do that from the beginning, so keep in mind that photography is a hobby and a fun before It turns into a profession.

And if I bought a camera, here are the following tips at the beginning of your photography career:

1- Keep your camera with you wherever you go 

Usually, photography ideas come when we do not expect them, so try to limit your photography equipment to a small bag and tripod so that you can take it with you and not become a burden or a burden for you.

2- Make a list of the shots you would like to take

When you see places and people you like to photograph and you did not carry your camera, immediately add that in your notebook or on your mobile phone, and try to pay attention to other details such as light so that you return at the same time to photograph.

3- See the things around you with a new eye 

You may hold the camera and see that things in your room are not important for photography, and this is because you are used to seeing them every day, give up this idea and grab the camera and start looking at it through the camera's binoculars, as you may discover angles that show these things in a more beautiful way through pictures.

4- Don't stop learning 

Nothing is more beautiful than mastering your hobby, and this will only happen if you put in your goals to continue learning everything about this hobby, follow well-known photographers and try to imitate them, and follow explanations and tutorials on YouTube to benefit from the experiences and experiences of others, about all your interests on the Internet towards photography. By teaching others what you have learned, this prompts you to continue learning.

5- Practice the camera arrangements on a permanent basis 

Of course, all the camera buttons and their modes have a function that interests you, so be sure to learn all the camera features, try the different shooting modes, do not neglect the camera catalog, and read and follow videos about your camera and its features.

6- Learn basic photography rules

There are basic rules in photography that you must learn, because your pictures without them may be like any picture taken by others, follow all the rules and experiences that photographers say, you can of course violate these rules, but not before you learn them, think, for example, of the rule of triangulation in photography, start learning it immediately.

7- Take pictures regularly 

This is the continuous training that the photographers talk about so that they do not lose their skill, as a beginner you may forget what you learned if you did not apply it periodically.

8 - Don't be afraid of mistakes ... Learn from them 

As long as you are using a digital camera, the errors with pictures are free and do not cost anything.

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